Manufactured With “U” In Mind

U”nbeatable Craftsmanship

Our vinyl strap and sling pool furniture pieces are the perfect choice for your commercial poolside areas. The aluminum frames are sandblasted and powder-coated to ensure a lasting, beautiful finish. The vinyl strap chairs and lounges have 2-inch wide vinyl straps that are double-wrapped and secured with solid-shank nylon rivets to ensure safety when in use. The sling options are manufactured using only commercial, marine grade fabric.

Every table has an aluminum frame with either an aluminum, acrylic, or fiberglass table top. They can also be manufactured with or without an umbrella hole.

All pieces are constructed from pure extruded aluminum and feature built-in safety features, such as body bracing, safety headrest, a fully welded frame, and stainless steel hardware. The lounges and chairs stack easily for storage during the winter months and most have a narrow footprint.

“U”nparalleled Customer Service

ParknPool’s goal is to provide unparalleled integrity and competence throughout your entire purchasing and installation process. Our mission is simple, but powerful – to create happy clients. We promise that we will provide you with consistently high-quality commercial furnishings. We will identify your needs and match them with relevant products.

We will create realistic expectations and then we will exceed them!

“U”nmatched Quality

Since 1998, we have grown from representing one manufacturer of commercial pool furniture to now offering superior products from over 40 manufacturing companies. Our founding partners used their extensive professional experience in manufacturing and supplying products to multi-housing, hospitality, and commercial properties to create a company that has a proven track record of competent and excellent customer service.

Our pool furniture supplier is comprised of skilled and experienced patio furniture artisans that manufacture and refinish patio furniture all year round, specializing in vinyl strap and sling.

Made in the “U”SA

Well that speaks for itself, now doesn’t it?!?!

ParknPool | Lexington, VA | | 877.777.3700

Protect Your Perimeter with Planters

Let’s face it! The risks are immediately obvious when foot traffic is side-by-side with vehicle traffic. Installing a fence or concrete barrier can ruin the ambience and, in some cases, make the public feel insecure or unsafe. Using planters as an option for crowd control and property barriers provides added security with a touch of nature. They can be modified to match your existing architectural design.

Decorative concrete planters are an aesthetically pleasing option over more rigid types of security barriers. They can be filled with several types of trees, flowering bushes, shrubs, or ornamental greenery to be enjoyed by pedestrians and soften the feel of an otherwise concrete jungle cityscape.

Concrete planters are used at government and military facilities. They are placed throughout college campuses to separate bike traffic from those on foot. Storefronts are also an ideal location for planters. They help provide a pedestrian safe entrance into the building. Available in a variety of shapes and sizes, it’s easy to add the perfect combination of traffic control, safety precautions and beauty to your space!

If you need concrete planters, give us a call today!

ParknPool | Lexington, VA | | 877.777.3700

Learn the Facts and How to Prevent Bleacher Injuries

Did you know?

} Over 20,000 people are hurt annually in accidents involving bleachers.

} A large percentage of bleacher accidents are a result of a person falling from or through the bleachers.

} Many bleacher accidents involve children.

} Falls from bleachers typically occur when guardrails are missing from the back or sides of bleachers, creating openings.

} Many bleachers in facilities today were built and installed prior to CPSC guidelines, creating potential hazards.

To prevent falls, your bleachers should meet the following criteria:

} A bleacher should have a guardrail along the back and surrounding the open ends where the drop is more than 30″ to the ground below.

} The guardrail should be at least 42″ high and, if using a vertical picket guardrail, all openings should be small enough that a 4″ sphere cannot fit through.

} If a chain link guardrail is used, it is recommended to use chain link that has 1.25″ (or less) mesh to discourage kids from climbing.

} Where visibility would not be significantly impaired, use solid materials to block openings.

Maybe RETROFITTING your existing bleachers is more feasible for your budget:

} The current condition and structure of your bleachers will determine the materials and methods needed to retrofit.

} Make sure that the materials and methods being used for the retrofit do not introduce any new hazards.

} Features such as aisles, handrails, and surfacing should be added to any retrofit project.

} Rigid materials, such as aluminum, should be used to close any openings between the seating and footboards.

} Using chain link fencing material can introduce new hazards and encourage children to play or climb on it.

} Consult your local building officials to determine if a permit is needed in order to retrofit bleachers.

Whether you’re retrofitting current bleachers or ordering replacement ones, they should be carefully inspected at least once every three months to identify any damage to the structure.

ParknPool offers numerous bleacher options that fall into three categories:

} Permanent Grandstands:

} Portable (Stationary):

} Temporary (Tip N’ Roll):

It is crucial to follow CPSC’s guidelines. No one’s safety is worth risking by leaving outdated bleachers in place! Give us a call today!

ParknPool | Lexington, VA | | 877.777.3700

Learn the Facts and How to Prevent Playground Injuries

Did you know?

> 200,000+ ER visits occur annually for injuries sustained on playgrounds.

> Nearly 70% of accidents occur on public playgrounds.

> 15 child fatalities occur from playground equipment each year.

> 79% of all playground injuries involve falls.

> Children ages 5 to 9 are the most at-risk group.

Playgrounds, especially public ones, are great spaces for kids to get some fresh air, make new friends, have some fun and burn off the excess energy. As someone that oversees your public playground, it’s important to make sure faulty equipment, improper surfaces or unsafe behavior doesn’t turn a good day in to an emergency room visit.

The following equipment is responsible for the most injuries:

Parental guide for preventing playground injuries:

} Always Supervise Playtime – kids under 5 should be supervised at all times. Make sure you are positioning yourself so that you can maintain a visual line of sight on them!

} Dress children appropriately for playtime – loose clothing and drawstrings are hazardous. Make sure kids wear shoes or sneakers at the playground to protect their feet.

} Choose age-appropriate play equipment – older and younger children should play in separate areas. Toddlers are unable to use metal swings, seesaws or slides safely on their own.

} Ensure playground surfaces are safe – sand, wood chips, pea gravel and synthetic rubber mulch are best. Blacktops and concrete are not recommended. The length of soft surfacing under swings should be double the height of the swing set.

} Only visit well-maintained playgrounds – look out for sharp points or edges in equipment. Inspect the playground (especially a sandbox) for splintered wood, broken glass, sharp metal, uncovered chains, loose bolts, wet spots, or missing ladder rungs. Inspection is key ! All playground equipment should be inspected and maintained regularly.

Looking for more helpful playground information or planning on replacing outdated and unsafe playground equipment? Give us a call! We can safely say we are here to help make sure your kids can safely play!

ParknPool | Lexington, VA | | 877.777.3700

Working Together to Minimize Park Trash

What do visitors see when they come to your park? A clean and well-maintained park provides a safe haven for people to enjoy some of their favorite outdoor activities. Hopefully, your park visitors see a clean and inviting environment that welcomes them to stay for a while.

Keeping your park free of trash and debris is an important way to give back to your green space. Providing the right amenities so that your park’s patrons can help, is a great place to start!

3 questions when encouraging the disposal of trash:

> Where should you put the trash receptacles?

The best location for your trash receptacles is at any entrance to a new space. They also should be placed at seating areas such as a cluster of park benches or picnic tables. Visitors will most likely eat or snack when seated resulting in more trash. Finally, trash receptacles should be where children may congregate, such as around playground equipment.

> How do you encourage visitors to use the trash receptacles?

Making sure your trash receptacles are handy for visitors is only half the battle. Regular maintenance is also a must! Overflowing or smelly trash areas can discourage them from being used which will result in unnecessary litter and debris. Another option that should be considered is recycling. By adding a recycling receptacle for every trash one, you send your patrons the message that you care about the environment. If you care, they will too!

> What is the right style trash receptacle for your park?

ParknPool offers a variety of trash receptacles ranging in materials, size and usage. The most important being size! For high-traffic areas, make sure you buy large enough containers to keep them from overflowing. Also keep in mind the lifting ability of your maintenance staff. A full 55 gallon trash bag can be quite heavy!

Something else to consider, that is mostly overlooked, is the lid!

~ Have a critter problem? You need a dome lid to keep them out!
~ Will they be uncovered? Perhaps a rain bonnet lid is best!
~ Will they be under shelter? Then, your options are wide open!

In our professional experience, trash and recycling receptacles don’t get the respect they deserve. They are arguably the hardest working site amenity in your park. We will work just as hard to find you the perfect option! Give us a call today!

ParknPool | Lexington, VA | | 877.77.3700

Key Design Factors for Outdoor Bleachers

Before the overlength pallets arrive on site, there are several key points to consider well in advance. Though mobile and transportable bleachers are available, most outdoor bleachers or grandstands are permanent in nature. This means some important factors need to be addressed so that the proposed site can handle the structure for both immediate and long-term use.

When planning for bleachers on your sports fields, here are the key points to take into consideration:


The custom and complex options involved with any standard bleacher unit can have an impact on how much money you should allow for your project. Early determination of these options during the budgeting process will not only ensure the proper amount of funds is allocated but will also allow you to create a more accurate cushion for any unforeseen circumstances that typically arise. Examples of some of these options include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Accessibility options such as wheelchair ramps
  2. Press box additions
  3. Aisles and handrails
  4. Guardrails
  5. Shade Structures

ParknPool’s sales staff will gladly work with your organization to ensure all options are explored during the pricing process.

ADA Accessibility

One of the first questions you should ask yourself is, how many wheelchair spaces are required and where should they be located? There are specific requirements for both the number of spaces and the number of space locations. A wheelchair space is defined as a space for a single wheelchair and its occupant. Wheelchair space locations are a space for a single wheelchair and the companion seating. Wheelchair space locations can include multiple wheelchair spaces and companion seats.

Criteria for where wheelchair spaces should be located is determined by both the sightline (the spectator’s ability to see the field of play) and dispersion (side to side view). In many sports venues, where the crowd will typically stand in excitement, those in wheelchairs should be provided seating with views over the standing spectators in front of them.

What is considered the best seats for wheelchairs varies depending on the placement of the bleachers around the field. This means that the layout of these can change from field to field and venue to venue.

ParknPool’s sales staff can help you determine how many and where these wheelchair spaces should be placed within your proposed bleacher or grandstand structure.


Though not always required, it’s smart to have your soil tested prior to your bleacher installation. Much like any structure, a bleacher or grandstand unit is only as strong as it’s foundation. You want the ground to be able to sustain the weight of not only an empty set of bleachers but, more importantly, a fully occupied sporting event. Proper stability testing of the proposed site will help determine the base that your bleacher structure should be built on and how they will need to be anchored. It is recommended that bleachers be attached to either a concrete foundation or anchored with auger soil anchors.

Lead Times

We want to make sure that the delivery and installation of your bleacher or grandstand falls within the project’s timeline. Depending on where you are located, the design, preparation and installation of your unit is timely. For those locations that experience a winter season, like us here at ParknPool, installation during those months is just not an option. Most commonly, these types of field renovations are planned during the winter months with the execution being scheduled for Spring, Summer and even Fall. Lead times can vary drastically based on availability of raw materials, time of year, current production schedule and order volume. Please be sure to consider all of this so that a properly timed delivery can be made.

In short, bleacher designs vary by field location, purpose, and usage. They range from large structures enjoyed by major sports fans to small 3 row models used by the family members of little leaguers. Whichever option you are searching for, ParknPool will help make sure your spectators view the field on a whole new level.

ParknPool Corp. | Lexington, VA | | 877.777.3700