Fall is the best time to start preparing your commercial grade outdoor furniture for winter storage. Your guests have traveled back home, the pool is being covered and the temperature is beginning to drop.
On sunny days and warm summer nights, your guests enjoy the luxury of your outdoor spaces but as temperatures drop and snow starts to flurry, no one wants to sit outside anymore. What do you do with your outdoor furniture? These maintenance and prepping tips will not only allow you to store your furniture but will also give you a little confidence to pull everything back out on those occasional warm Fall days.

Make sure that all cushions and pillows are clean of any stains and spills before placing them in some sort of storage container. If a storage container is not readily available then sturdy outdoor trash bags will help them keep their original vibrant coloring. Once you have scrubbed your cushions be sure they are good and dry before storing them away. If you pack them away still wet, mold and mildew can grow.

Cleaning an umbrella can be extremely awkward if not done properly, especially if your umbrellas have a one-piece pole. These may take a few people to thoroughly and properly clean. A two-piece poled umbrella can be a little less cumbersome. Start by taking the pole apart then place the top of the umbrella into the umbrella base to make it a little easier to reach. Crank or pull the umbrella open and wash the fabric with a dish detergent and water mixture. If you have a vinyl-topped umbrella, a cleaner made for convertible car tops works efficiently. Allow the umbrella to fully dry open in the sun for a couple of days before packing it away. Putting an umbrella away still damp is sending a welcoming message to mold and mildew.

Best case scenario you have a storage building or space where your pool furniture can be stored during the winter months, this will allow a longer lifespan if leaves and snow are unable to pile on top of everything. All of your furniture deserves a good cleaning and scrubbing before being packed away for a few months until the sunshine and warm weather returns. Most of ParknPool’s commercial grade furniture can be scrubbed with a common household cleaner (including bleacher based cleaners).
For more information and in-depth cleaning instructions based on your type of furniture, give us a call at 877.777.3700.

ParknPool | Lexington, VA | sales@parknpool.com | 877.777.3700